Dry Fork Flume Site in Naples, Utah

Remains of the flume supports

Dry Fork Canyon has been historically difficult to farm. These ruins of an old flume mark one failed attempt to bring water to the agricultural community.

Despite Dry Fork Creek running through the region, the area is rampant with sinkholes that absorb and divert creek water, leaving many homesteaders without a way to care for their crops. In 1893, the Uintah Milling & Flume company set out to build a permanent wooden flume to carry water from the creek to the community.

Unfortunately, the flume had some major issues. When completed in 1897, it leaked profusely, washing away some of the support pillars and causing the chute to collapse. Ultimately, the project was abandoned.

While the main chute has been removed, the remaining wooden supports of the flume are still visible today. The forest nearby is still littered with felled trees that the original builders intended to use as timber for the project.

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